Severe Winter Weather Expected This Weekend

shutterstock_68208148Extreme cold temperatures are expected in the Northeast beginning Saturday morning and carrying through the weekend.  Temperatures are expected to fall to near-record lows, with wind chills well below zero. This has prompted the National Weather Service to issue wind chill warnings.

As your trusted advisor, Santo Insurance urges you to exercise caution this weekend. Dangerously cold temperatures can cause property damage and personal injury if the proper precautions are not taken.

Frigid temperatures can lead to frozen pipes

Did you know?

  • Frozen pipes are the top property damage claim when the temperature drops
  • 40% of frozen pipes occur in the basement

Santo Insurance offers the following tips to help mitigate potential damage:

  • Keep your thermostat set at no lower than 55° Fahrenheit.
  • Insulate pipes in the crawl spaces and the attic of your home.
  • Seal cracks around pipes with caulking or insulation.
  • Disconnect your garden hoses and shut off the water to outside.
  • Allow warm water to trickle overnight from faucets.
  • Open cabinets under sinks near exterior walls to allow heat to flow to pipes that are not insulated.
  • Drain pipes that lead to outside faucets and install covers on all outside faucets.
  • Close all windows near water pipes.
  • Consider weather-sealing your windows.
  • Cover or close any open air vents.
  • Be sure to locate your main water shut-off valve and know how to turn it off

If you find a frozen pipe:

  • Apply heat to the section of pipe using an electric heating pad, an electric hair dryer, or by wrapping pipes with towels soaked in hot water. Do not use a blowtorch, kerosene or propane heater, or other open flame device.
  • Keep the faucet open when thawing frozen pipes to allow water to begin flowing through it.

How to Keep Safe & Warm in Your Home:shutterstock_366737021

  • Keep drapes and blinds closed, except when windows are in direct sunlight.
  • Put up storm windows, or install sheet plastic window insulation kits on the inside of windows.
  • Cover or remove any window air conditioners.
  • Caulk any cracks or holes on the outside of your house.
  • Repair or replace weather stripping and thresholds around doors and windows.
  • Run paddle ceiling fans on low in reverse (clockwise when looking up) to circulate warm air.
  • Put draft snakes on window sills, between window frames, and against doors.
  • If you heat with propane or fuel oil, make sure the tank is full.
  • If you heat with wood or coal, have plenty of fuel on hand.

For more information on how to keep safe during extreme winter conditions contact Santo Insurance at 603-890-6439.